Sex Gets Real 83: Newbie sex, swinger sex, & demo sex

Newbie sex, swinger sex, and demo sex. Dylan is back from Hawaii. Basically, it was really hot and there was boob sweat. Dawn attended Sex Down South where she saw a hand sex demo, did a masturbation circle, and generally had an amazing time learning from Tristan Taormino and Amy Jo Goddard. Plus, we have so many listener emails – …

Sex Gets Real 82: Consent & a special needs child

The accidental HIQI. Dawn had a shitty week. Not only was she battling Strep, but she fried her laptop and lost this week’s episode. So, we’re doing a HIQI in place of our longer episode and we’ll be back on track in 2 weeks. So, what are we talking about this week besides Dylan’s vacation to Hawaii? Well, a listener, …

Sex Gets Real 78: Women & porn, plus pink Viagra

Pegging, porn, and prostitution. A listener wrote in with a terrific message and mentioned pegging. Which sent us off on a bender about butt sex. Then, Dawn and Dylan talk about the new pink Viagra pill and why that name is so misleading. Flibanserin/Addyi is not what they’re claiming it is, and there are better ways for most people to …

Sex Gets Real 74: Sacred intimate (internal massage)

Camping, public nudity, face licking, and more. This episode is definitely a rainbow of all the things. We’ve got some listener emails talking about the Hitachi Magic Wand, face licking, and a really deep question about a spouse who claims that being put up on a pedestal is killing her libido. Dawn reports back on Sex Geek Summer Camp and …

Sex Gets Real 71: Talking about sex with 4 year olds?

What happens when everyone learns about sex their whole lives? A listener writes back about their group sex situation. Dawn experiences a lovely display of empathy. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we were allowed to have bad days? Plus, the Netherlands start sex ed at the age of 4 and carry it through their entire lives. What do the statistics …

Sex Gets Real 69: Mutual masturbation

Did someone say 69? Yes! It’s our 69th episode! Two listeners write in with sexy stories. Plus, there’s a new Johns Hopkins study showing men who are confident and empathetic (sensitive) have more satisfying sex. Boom! And of course, we have to get our hands dirty by talking about the beauty and pleasure of mutual masturbation. Seriously, it’s one of …

Sex Gets Real 58: Cooper Beckett on swinging, poly, and his new book

Cooper Beckett and swinging! In the DC area? Then join Dawn’s new meetup: Relationship Communication Bootcamp. The first event is June 11th and you can sign-up now! Each month we’ll get together and practice fun, easy techniques for learning how to communicate more openly. Can’t wait to see you there. Cooper’s here! Cooper’s here! We are so excited to talk …

Sex Gets Real 56: Vulva puppet, pubic hair, and Game of Thrones

Vulva puppet, hair down there, masturbation, and porn. First up, we are interviewing Cooper Beckett from Life on the Swingset, so if you have questions for him, get those to us by Thursday, April 30th. This episode is a collection of all the things. If you want to help name Dawn’s new vulva puppet, just head over to her Instagram …

Sex Gets Real 42: BDSM classes, dildo etiquette, and porn trends

Dildo etiquette, cock confidence, and a sweepstakes to win a prize in celebration of our one-year anniversary! Dylan talks about being a total sexist at a motorcycle show. A listener wants to know where to go for classes on sex and BDSM. We suggest starting with Kink Academy and their 1,500 videos with some of the best sex and kink …