REPLAY 221: Andy Izenson on alternative justice, resilient relationships, & masculinity

What is transformative justice? What does it mean to be in community with each other? What is masculinity? Andy Izenson is helps us answer those questions.

274: Changing orgasms, dungeon etiquette, & codependency

What to know before you go to your first dungeon and play party, especially if you’re a woman. Why did my orgasms change? Polyamory #MeToo updates.

273: Crushing on a co-worker, book recommendations, & becoming a better communicator

What should I do about my crush on a co-worker? What are some book recommendations about sex and relationships? How can become a better communicator?

272: Tristan Taormino on growing up, changing bodies, & whiteness

Who is Tristan Taormino? Changing bodies, chronic pain, and sex. Liberation and sex education. Getting caught by a parent when you’re masturbating.

271: Staying or going when you love two people, hating your vulva, & love across borders

What should I do if I love two people? Is my vulva ugly? How can I learn to love how my vulva looks? The challenges of loving across borders.