Sex Gets Real 138: Kitty Stryker on sex work, polyamory, & what makes a community

This episode is sponsored by HotelsByDay. Save 5% with code SGR5off. Content note: talk of suicide. I always love when I get to have nuanced conversations about topics like sex work, porn, consent, and polyamory. So, when Kitty Stryker said she’d come on the show, I knew the discussion would be a gritty one. Kitty is currently working on an anthology …

Sex Gets Real 137: Erika Moen from Oh Joy Sex Toy is here!

This episode is sponsored by HotelsByDay. Save 5% with code SGR5off. Alex was the first person to ever share an Oh Joy Sex Toy comic with me. I was immediately enamored. Erika Moen’s weekly sex education comic is full of so many wonderful topics, reviews, and done with such an approachable spirit. I’ve shared TONS of her stuff on social media because …

Sex Gets Real 131: Chlamydia, making lube, and Black men who are small

Sign-up for my live, online anal 101 class! It’s October 26th and going to be amazing fun. Learn more and register now. I’m sure you heard on last week’s show, but I’m reminding you again. I want YOUR voice as part of the new podcast intro. All you have you to do is call 747-444-1840 and say “You’re listening to …

Sex Gets Real 129: Living with STIs, becoming a sex educator

This week is a little different from the normal show. First up, I field a few listener questions about finding out you may have herpes and hepatitis C after a partner cheated and how to become a sex educator. NRE isn’t only for relationships – we can also get high on our dreams and take huge risks when we’re caught …

Sex Gets Real 128: Erotica & desire with Rachel Kramer Bussel

Erotica has played a significant role in my own sexual exploration and development – from teaching me about my own desires and fantasies to understanding the depth of other people’s sexual landscapes. It’s a yummy and delicious space to play in. That’s why I’m so excited to be joined by Rachel Kramer Bussel this week, who has edited over 60 …