Sex Gets Real 94: Clown sex, porn, and shame

This is what happens when we have coffee and record first thing. Head over to Explore More Summit at to register for Dawn’s free 10-day online summit. It all starts January 28th, 2016, but if you see this after the event, you can still check out the interviews. We’re a little hyper this time around, but what can you …

Sex Gets Real Episode 93: Gay coloring book & hand techniques

Gay coloring book and new hand sex techniques. Head over to Explore More Summit at to register for Dawn’s free 10-day online summit. It all starts January 28th, 2016, but if you see this after the event, you can still check out the interviews. Dawn has a new coloring book that is all gay men and group sex. Dylan …

Sex Gets Real 92: A wife blows up over a request for group sex

What do you do when you have that scary sex conversation and it blows up on you? Be sure to sign-up for the Explore More Summit at It’s free, and Dawn has 30 interviews for you to watch over the course of 10 days, starting January 28th. It’s amazing and even has celebrity guests. We’ve got listener stories about …

Sex Gets Real 91: Dawn’s HUGE announcement & trans bodies

Dawn has a huge announcement & trans stuff. Head over to Explore More Summit at to register for Dawn’s free 10-day online summit. She’s been slaving over it for 3 months, in secret, and you do NOT want to miss all of the experts and celebrities she interviewed. It all starts January 28th, 2016, but if you see this …

Sex Gets Real 90: New vibrator and getting caught giving a BJ

Happy New Year! It’s 2016! Well, Dylan is sick now, but we’re still recording because we missed you. Listeners write in about getting caught by their parents giving a blow job and getting picked up by lesbians at a conference. Dawn gets a new remote controlled vibrator and has some fun with it. More on James Deen and Stoya. Plus, …

Sex Gets Real: Holiday Special 2015

Quick erotica to tide us over Dawn just can’t take not recording, so to tide everyone over until the new year, she decided to read a little 3 minute erotica called “Pink” by Helena Black from Got a Minute? 60 Second Erotica. Our next episode airs January 3rd, so stay tuned and have a safe New Years. You know we …

Sex Gets Real 88: Stoya rape & Bondage Bands

Straight guys having sexing with straight guys? We want to start the episode by saying that we stand in solidarity with Stoya after she named James Deen as her rapist. It takes tremendous courage to speak up, especially when the person you’re naming is so popular and beloved. Let’s talk about the psychology of victim blaming. Let’s also talk about …

Sex Gets Real 87: STI stigma and poly feels

Sex. The scariest thing in the world? Dawn really loved this conversation about STI stigma. A recent article in The Atlantic (link below in the show notes) talked about some research findings that show people are terrified of sex. People judge someone more harshly for transmitting a mild case of curable chlamydia than killing someone with swine flu. Why? Because …

Sex Gets Real 86: Self-sucking and vag superpowers for evil

Rhonda Rousey versus Dawn Serra. We’re finally back on track after losing some episodes a few weeks back. We revisit a listener email about self-sucking. Should he introduce his talent to his wife? The thought kind of turns him on. Then, Dawn and Dylan talk about masturbation being a sin along with a new superpower: zombiefying vagina goo. Scary stuff. …

Sex Gets Real 85: Paris attacks & trapped in a marriage

A kid on a bus does hand motions at Dawn that get her real worked up. Dawn & Dylan take a moment to talk about the Paris attacks, plus the lack of visibility on attacks in Beirut, Baghdad, and when the violence is against people of color. We wish peace for all us, but if we want human rights to …