Sex Gets Real 42: BDSM classes, dildo etiquette, and porn trends

Dildo etiquette, cock confidence, and a sweepstakes to win a prize in celebration of our one-year anniversary! Dylan talks about being a total sexist at a motorcycle show. A listener wants to know where to go for classes on sex and BDSM. We suggest starting with Kink Academy and their 1,500 videos with some of the best sex and kink …

The Power of Words: A Missive for Sexperts, Sex Therapists, & Educators

Disclaimer: I realize that not all sex therapists, sex educators, sex workers, or sex professionals want to be inclusive and accepting. If that is you, I honor your path and encourage you to stop reading. This article isn’t for you. I’ll admit that I struggle to use inclusive language sometimes. Being deliberate in my word choices can feel like a …

Keeping sex fun (hint: when’s the last time you smiled in bed?)

When was the last time you laughed in the middle of sex? Genuinely, honestly laughed? Last week, my partner and I were deep in a rope bondage scene – my ankles were bound in rope cuffs, I was nearly immobilized, and things were intense and serious. Growls and gasps and grunts abounded. And then…something completely unexpected happened – one of our …

Sex Gets Real 38: Asexuality spectrum and more confessions

Let’s explore the asexuality spectrum while talking about 69 and TinderNightmares Listener stories and emails galore. And we know, we know…some of you love 69. Since apparently we aren’t gifted in the same way some of you are, we hope your 69 adventures are hot and yummy… Olivia tells us a juicy story about a college girlfriend, a mirror on …

Sex Gets Real 37: Dawn rants on bad sex advice

Stories about sex are awesome. Advice about sex that shames? Not so much. You know that we are all about everyone living their sexual lives in whatever way makes them happy. We celebrate all sorts of sexual orientations and sexual fantasies and lifestyles. It’s part of what makes sex so beautiful. That’s why Dawn gets EXTRA worked up when she …

Sex Gets Real 36: Sadism and consent

Pain, fear, consent, rape, and all things edgy. Not for the faint of heart. Ready for an edgy episode? Dawn and Dylan deliver with this practical and informative interview with BDSM educator and sadist Frozen Meursault. FM fields questions from listeners on pain and fear, consent, rape fantasies, and rough body play. His framework for consent is something Dawn has …