Sex Gets Real 60: Ball stretching, monogamy, & pegging

From buying sex services to menstrual cups to drag kings and more, it’s a wild ride here at Sex Gets Real this week. In the DC area? Then join Dawn’s new meetup: Relationship Communication Bootcamp. The first event is June 11th and you can sign-up now! Each month we’ll get together and practice fun, easy techniques for learning how to …

Sex Gets Real 59: Queer Porn Film Festival

Dawn’s mind gets blown in the best possible way. If you’re in the DC area, join Dawn for her relationship communication bootcamp on June 11th. Check it out here. The Queer Porn Film Festival was beyond rad. Films with trans women, trans men, fat bodies, all different color bodies, doing all sorts of yummy, curious, and funny things. Links to …

You don’t need to love your body to have amazing sex

I don’t know how you feel about your body, but the relationship that I have with my body is deep, complex, and not at all consistent. Over the years, I’ve been quite mean to both my body and myself. In fact, there was a time when I believed myself to be so undesirable that I almost cried when a lover …

Sex Gets Real 58: Cooper Beckett on swinging, poly, and his new book

Cooper Beckett and swinging! In the DC area? Then join Dawn’s new meetup: Relationship Communication Bootcamp. The first event is June 11th and you can sign-up now! Each month we’ll get together and practice fun, easy techniques for learning how to communicate more openly. Can’t wait to see you there. Cooper’s here! Cooper’s here! We are so excited to talk …

Sex Gets Real 56: Vulva puppet, pubic hair, and Game of Thrones

Vulva puppet, hair down there, masturbation, and porn. First up, we are interviewing Cooper Beckett from Life on the Swingset, so if you have questions for him, get those to us by Thursday, April 30th. This episode is a collection of all the things. If you want to help name Dawn’s new vulva puppet, just head over to her Instagram …

Eliminate these three words to improve your sexual confidence

I’ve noticed anĀ epidemic in my life and in the lives of my clients. The more I look and listen, the more I realize it’s everywhere. We’re all suffocating beneath layers of guilt, shame, comparison, and fear all because of three little words. This is especially true when it comes to sex and the way we view our bodies. You may …

Sex Gets Real 54: Joan Price and senior sex

Sex as we age – there’s so much to learn! Joan Price is on the air with us today and she is amazing. We are talking about seniors (folks over 50) and sex. What changes in our 50s, 60, 70s, and beyond when it comes to sex? How does ageism play out? Joan is the leading expert in ageless sexuality, …

Sex Gets Real 53: Lesbian sex positions

Favorite lesbian sex positions This episode is brought to you by Yes Please, More Please – the art of seduction through food. Don’t miss their Mexican Aphrodisiac dinner in Washington, DC on April 4, 2015. Scissoring? Mutual masturbation? Strap-on sex? Lesbian sex positions often end up looking like any other sex position with any other gender or body. Though we …