Dawn Serra regularly appears as a guest on podcasts, contributes cultural critiques to reporters, and speaks at conferences and events.
Sign-up for Explore More 2019 (it's free) and check out past conferences. There are over 100 hours of juicy, personal, thought-provoking interviews on relationships, sex, body acceptance, and kink that you can purchase from previous events, too.

Dawn had the immense pleasure of being on Food Psych a SECOND time talking pandemic stress, desirability politics, and changing bodies.

This meandering conversation is all about pleasure, relationship communication, body politics, & finding the courage to take up space.

You don't have to love your body in order to access pleasure, to enjoy sex, and to connect with others. Hear this older clip of Dawn on Speaking of Sex.

Dawn had a chance to chat with Sex Out Loud producer Raymond about sex as a social skill.

Dawn appears in cartoon form in this graphic novel by Dr. Meg-John Barker, "Gender: A Graphic Guide." If you're looking for a fun, animated guide to gender, check it out.

What would change for queer, fat, trans, and disabled folks if health care used pleasure as a baseline? What if our pleasure mattered to doctors & nurses? Join Zena Sharman as she interviews Dawn in this new book released October 2021.

Dawn's essay, "The Future of Sex Positivity" is published in the anthology, "Sex Positive Now", edited by Allena Gabosch and Jeremy Shub.
2021 - The Blend ReFire Speaker Series - speaker on accessibility in hospitality and body politics
2020 - Be Nourished Body Trust Online Summit - speaker on pleasure and healing
2018 - ASDAH (Association for Size Diversity and Health) Conference - workshop presenter,
Sex is a Social Skill
2018 - Sex, Power, and Leadership Online Conference - panelist, The Accessibility of Sexual Liberation: Intersections of Sex & Power
2018 - ConvergeCon - moderator, Beyond Yes and No: A Discussion on the Nuance & Cultural Impact of #MeToo in the Age of Consent
2018 - True Freedom Symposium - speaker, The Realities of Entrepreneurship and Talking About Sex
2017 - SisterSong's Let's Talk About Sex Conference - workshop presenter,
Sex is a Social Skill
2016 - Woodhull Sexual Freedom Conference - workshop presenter,
From Idea to Launch: How to Start a Revolution through Podcasting
2016 - Gender, Bodies, and Technology Conference - workshop presenter,
From Idea to Launch: How to Start a Revolution through Podcasting