Speaking my truth, a love letter to you.
I know that your body is wise & the ways your survived matter.
You are built for pleasure, even if that feels far away right now.
Your body and your needs are constantly communicating with you.
Can you hear them?
I know that your boundaries are not up for debate and they never require justification. Your boundaries include your wants, needs, and desires.
What is it that you deeply hunger for?
I honor that your body is yours and yours alone. You get to live in it and explore it on your terms, for your own reasons.
Where does your curiosity live?
I have seen the ways the world around us teaches us to separate, deny, disengage, worry, and perform. The burden of how you feel is not yours to carry alone.
What would it feel like to have someone walk beside you as you look within?
I believe that experiencing your body, your hunger, and your desire are vastly different from performing them. Healing is a process and a practice, one you do not have to do alone.
If you could surrender to what is instead of chasing what could be, what would shift?
Above all, I know you are not broken,
your body is not wrong,
and you are not a problem to be solved but instead someone to be understood.
You deserve pleasure because your pleasure is revolutionary and liberatory.
Healing work does not always need to be about pain, suffering, and difficulty.
Yours in pleasure and curiosity,
Dawn Serra
The more you can live inside of your truth and your pleasure, releasing shame and stories that no longer serve you, the more we all get free.
How can I support you?

Explore More
An online conference featuring intimate conversations with thought leaders in love, pleasure, desire, creativity, wellness, & body acceptance. Workbooks included.

Who is
Dawn Serra?
As a counsellor, coach, consultant, and Certified Body Trust® Provider, I'm here to support you.

Join the next cohort for this 5-week online course to help you discover, befriend, and prioritize your pleasure and your body.
“I can't thank Dawn enough. This has been incredibly enlightening. I feel like I've opened a door to a magic room I didn't even know I wanted to find. I've always loved sex and yet it has so often been dissociated, crappy, frustrating, sad, traumatizing, lonely, limited... Now I know sex and relationships can be different: whole, healthy, fabulous, funny, and fun.”
-Anonymous, Explore More Community Member